Wanchancy Game #2

Board layout Wanchancy Game #2

Game Description

The sequence of game playing of game#2  Wanchancy is listed here where items in each entry are sequence number, starting co-ordinate (x,y), actual sequence and score.  The co-ordinate (1,1) is the bottom left corner of the play board. This is a specific game of two players where odd entries are player #1 and even entries are player #2.  The game can have, however, up to four players. Where the sequence is not a simple arithmetic one  then the formula to derive sequence elements is included.  Thus the sequence  11, 13, 16, 20, 25 is created by:  a(n+1)=a(n)+n where n=1, 2, 3, etc. with n(1)=11 as an example. This information can allow other players to add to the sequence in due course.

In the current game about a quarter of plays use such sequence formulae.

Numbers in round brackets indicate tiles that were already on the board. Numbers in square brackets indicate bonus scores where:-

dn = double number; tn = treble number; qn = quad number

ds = double sum, ts = treble sum

The player who goes first gets double sum.

In recording the game the primary sequence of digits played is displayed together with additional sequences created at the same time.

Scores for the games were PLAYER #1 2202 : PLAYER #2 2589 so player #2 was the winner. The game took around 2 hours to play for around 40 total ‘plays’ on the board. It is possible to play a shorter game of a set number of ‘plays’ – e.g. 20 plays would have reduced the game duration to around 1 hour.

Details of Play

#1;  (8, 11) ;   24, 25 , 26 (x2 to start) = 150

#2;  (5, 10) ;  [11 dn], 13, 17, [25 ds] = 154

a(n) = a (n-1) + 2^(n -1)

#3 (6, 10) ; 13, 15, 19 = 47


#4 ; (5, 7) ; [19 dn], (25), [31 ds] =  188

#5 (8,9) ; (26), 20, 14  = 60

#6 (4,8) ; 10, 13, 16 = 39
Include 13, (19, 25, 31) = 98

#7 ; (10, 11) ; 10, [12 ds], 14 = 72

#8 ; (2, 7) ; 1, 7, (13, 19, 25, 31) = 96

#9 ; (8, 12) ; 23, (24, 25, 26)  = 98

#10; (8, 7) ; 37, 27, 18 = 82
a(n) = a(n-1) – (12-n)
Include (1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31), 37 = 133

#11; (8,5) ; 18, 20, 22 = 60

#12 ; (10, 6) ; 12, (22), 32 =66

#13; (6, 12) ; 18,  20, 23 =  61
a(,n) = a(n-1) + n

#14; (10, 6) ; (12), 15, 18, 21 = 66

#15; (14, 7) ; 20, [24 ds],    30 = 148
a(n) = a(n-1) + 2n
Include (12, 15, 18, 21, [24ds] = 180

#16; (14, 5) ; (30), 29, 28  = 87

#17 ; (8,15) ; 20, 21, 22, (23, 24, 25. 26) = 161

#18 ; (16, 6) ; 26, (28) , 30, 32 = 116

#19 ; (7, 5) ; (16), 23, 29 = 68

a(n) = a(n-1)  + (9-n)

#20; (5, 3) ; 25, 27, 29, 31 = 112

#21; (16, 6) ; (26, 28, 30, 32) = 116

#22; (16,6) ; (26, 28, 30, 32, 34, [36qs] =294

#23; (6,3))  ; (27), [32 ds] , 35 = 188

a,(n) = a(n-1) + (9-2n)

#24 ; (14, 1) ; 34, 35, 36 = 105

#25; (7, 16) ; 17, (19), 22, 26 = 84

#26 ; (6, 1) ; (35), 28, 23 = 86

a(n) = a(n-1) – (11-2n) 

#27;  (4,12) ; 28, 17, 9 = 54

a(n) = a(n-1) – (17-3n)

#28; (10, 12) ;  [8 dn], 6, [4 ts] = 78

#29; (2, 11) ; 15, [16 ds], 17 = 96

#30; (10, 7) ; [2 ds], (12, 22, 32) = 136

#31; (12, 6) ; (18), [21 ts] , 27 =  198

a(n) = a(n-1) +3n -3

#32 ; (13, 1) ; [33 ts], 34, 35, 36) = 414

#33; (7, 16) ; (17, 19, 22, 26), 31 =115

#34; (2, 14) ; 18, 17, 16, (15) = 66

#35; (6 14) ; 23, 22, (21) = 66

#36; (12, 12) ;  (4), 5, [6 dn] , 7, 8 = 36

#37 ; (12, 13) ; 3, (4, 5, 6, 7, 8) = 33
Include 3, 4, 5 = 12

#38;  (5, 16) ; 19, 21, 24 = 64
Include  24, (23, 22, 21) = 90

#39 ; (13, 15) ; 24, 14, 4 = 42

#40; (12, 10) ; 6, 9, 12 = 27

#41; (2, 14) ; (18, 17, 16, 15), 14, 13 = 93

#42; remainder  11 + 33 = 44

End of script

Further Details of Game

Documentation for the game is available by searching ‘How to play Wanchancy’ on Amazon.

Copies of WANCHANCY game are available from Douglas Clarkson via eBay.

By northernlight1

I have interests is a wide range of topics and have written on these and more formal subjects for quite some time. The written word still retains the power to inform and motivate - hopefully constructively and certainly has to be used responsibly in an age of false information trails.