The Spiral Collection

Introduction Software packages that process data invariably require effective tools to display outcomes. While the priority of such packages is often to produce the charts and figures of academic research papers, there is some scope for artistic expression – if you can find it. A basic output mode of packages such as MATLAB is to… Continue reading The Spiral Collection

The Half Life of Stuff

It was an idea to make a statement about the fragility of family objects with the passing of the generations. It seemed appropriate to make a photographic record of assorted items with specific associations. Access to a Canon Compact camera simplified the photography with choice of a square image format. The images captured were mainly… Continue reading The Half Life of Stuff

Silicon Playground

Introduction The project seemed like a distraction but was to open doors to projects of future scope. There had always been encouragement in the family home to make things – plaster of Paris moulds of scottie dogs and ladies with large dresses. There was undoubted skill here to add just enough water to the white… Continue reading Silicon Playground

Surprising Salisbury

After moving from North Wales to Warwickshire so began a process of exploration of the surrounding counties. This tended to be undertaken without the immediate access to all manner of information about intended destinations as is now available. This made travel then more of an unfolding experience than one of matching experience to expectation. It… Continue reading Surprising Salisbury

At the Sign of Valentine Fine Art

All conversations are valuable but perhaps conversations involving art are more significant. Conversations among art experts may be intricate and contain the discussion of fine detail known to both parties. Conversations between a gallery owner and an individual with a passing knowledge of a particular art topic are likely to be of an unmatched nature… Continue reading At the Sign of Valentine Fine Art

Monticelli – the Marmite Artist

It is in human nature to assimilate beliefs, prejudices, vices, virtues and techniques of painting pictures. Even the briefest of biographical notes of the major painters of the modern era describe how artists influenced each other and adopted/borrowed the skills of their associates. The painting by the French artist Adolphe Monticelli (1824-1886) in the Burrell… Continue reading Monticelli – the Marmite Artist

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A Last Work of Eric Gill

In Coventry The city of Coventry has a preoccupation with looking into the past and also anticipating and planning for the future. It is today the ‘City of Peace and Reconciliation’. A link with the past has in recent years been removed from the city in the form of one of the last sculptures of… Continue reading A Last Work of Eric Gill

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