New Atlantis

There are those who have read ‘New Atlantis’ by Francis Bacon and those who have not. For those who have read the manuscript this summary will not be a revelation. For those who have not it can only be hoped that the summary does a jot of justice to the main work. The narrative of the work published in 1659 relates to the discovery of a secret island where advancements have been made across all manner of areas of Science and Technology – with the implication that such advancements have been to the benefit of humanity.

There are key extracts from the work that resonate in the 21st century and where the predictions made have manifestly come true. I included various of these   into  artwork using the design product Illustrator and matched up extracts with  images which illustrate their modern realisation. A selection of such text extracts  (italics) is included with brief commentaries where relevant.

Extract #1: ‘We imitate the flights of birds; we have some degrees of flying in the air; we have ships and boats for going underwater; and brooking of seas; also swimming-girdles and supporters.

Extract #2: We have high towers; the highest about a half a mile in height; and likewise set upon high mountains; so that the  vantage of the hill with the tower is in the highest of them three miles at least.

Currently the tallest building structure in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai at 2717 feet high which is just over a half a mile.

Extract #3: We have also, pools, of which some do strain fresh water out if salt; others by art do turn fresh water into salt.

The key reference here is to the now widespread process of desalination of seawater.

Extract #4: We have also perspective-houses, where we make demonstrations of all lights and radiations; and of all colours; and out of things uncoloured and transparent, we can represent unto you all several colours; not in rain-bows, as in gems and prisms, but of themselves single.

This can certainly be linked to the development of lasers – where their ultra narrow wavelength range is well described as ‘single’ in their colour rendition.

Extract #5: We have certain helps which set to the ear do further the hearing greatly.

This is all about the world of hearing aids – and where the most innovative modern technology relates to cochlear implants which bypass the ear to  convey hearing signals to the brain.

Extract  #6: We procure means of seeing objects afar off; as in the heaven and remote places; and represent things near as far off, and things afar off as near; making feigned distances.

Modern astronomy goes from strength to strength to  peer further and further into the universe.

Extract #7: We have also a mathematical house, where are represented all instruments, as well of geometry  as astronomy, exquisitely made.

Extract #8: We also have houses of deceits of the senses; where we represent all manner of feats of juggling, false apparitions, impostures, and illusions;  and their fallacies.

We live very much in a world  which is increasingly challenged by false information and deceptions.  It is not clear,  however,  why this area was such a subject  of interest.  Was it to increase the power of discernment  between the real world and a fake world?

Extract #9: But above all, we have heats in imitation of the sun’s and heavenly bodies’ heats, that pass diverse inequalities and (as it were) orbs, progresses, and returns.

The first issue that springs to mind is the use of mirror technology to generate ultra high temperatures from solar radiation. Another strand is the emerging technology of nuclear fusion which seeks to create on earth the process of fusion of light nuclei to generate power.

Extract #10: The End of our Foundation is the knowledge of Causes, and secret motions of things; and the enlarging of Human Empire, to the effect of all things possible.

This describes, as if we’re, the motivation for humanity’s progress – where human endeavours are undertaken to improve the human condition by way of health, well being and knowledge and understanding of the Universe.  This concept of progress through knowledge is very much enshrined in the later foundation of the Royal Society.

An image based on the work of New Atlantis has been created by the author and is shown below. Various of the statements in the work are illustrated by developments of modern technology.

New Atlantis: An image association

By northernlight1

I have interests is a wide range of topics and have written on these and more formal subjects for quite some time. The written word still retains the power to inform and motivate - hopefully constructively and certainly has to be used responsibly in an age of false information trails.